

WWF France and Groupe Renault announce a partnership aimed at implementing a more electric and shared mobility, combined with the development of renewable energies

Boulogne-Billancourt, 18 June 2019 – Groupe Renault, a pioneer and European leader in electric vehicles, is actively committed to a more sustainable mobility through the development of intelligent electric ecosystems and mobility services that are more shared and accessible to all. In this perspective, the car manufacturer has also set itself the objective of reducing its carbon footprint by 25% between 2010-2022, and to propose 8 models of electric vehicles, as part of its strategic plan "Drive the future" by 2022.

Facedwith this joint desire for transformation and the weight of emissions fromtransport sector, WWF France and Groupe Renault have forged a partnershiparound a common vision: tomorrow'smobility will be achieved through the transition from the historic model of theprivate and fossil car to a more sustainable, i. e. more shared mobility -in particular through the deployment of mobility services such as car sharingand carpooling - and more electricmobility, based on renewable energy sources - whose integration isfacilitated by the services provided by the batteries of electric vehicles.

·Aspart of this partnership, WWF France and Groupe Renault have conducted a first study on the island of Porto Santo inPortugal in order to test in real life the synergies between the development ofelectric vehicles and their services to the grid, with the development of renewableenergies.In the coming months, they will carry out an analysisof various experiments related to the electric vehicle (smart/reversible charging, stationary storage in second lifebatteries, multisectoral synergies, etc.), in order to study its bestpossible integration into electricity production and distribution networks. Theobjective: to ensure optimal benefits regarding the exploitation of renewableenergies and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions on a territorial scale.

A unique islandlaboratory

The Porto Santo study is part of an innovative programcalled "Smart Fossil Free Island"implemented by the Madeira Regional Government to support the island's energytransition.

Although Porto Santo's electricity mix is now largelybased on fossil fuels, the study shows that an electric vehicle has a carbon footprint that is respectively 11% to 34%lower than its diesel and gasoline equivalents during its entire life cycle.Models show that the more the renewable energy and electric vehicle couple isdeveloped, the greater this gap widens. With the maximum development of acombination of 99.5% renewable energy and 100% electric mobility, the entire island could be very close to carbonneutrality by 2030. Its carbon footprint would thus be reduced by 88% comparedto 2018. (See Annex 1 for details ofthese initial results and next steps).

From pilot projects to systemic change

GroupeRenault and WWF France will continue to analyze the benefits of an ecosystem ofelectric vehicles coupled with renewable energies, both in Porto Santo byaddressing additional aspects such as economic angle or usage patterns, andbeyond in other territories or islands, such as Belle-Ile-Mer for instance, byintegrating the benefits of car-sharing.

The partnershipalso aims to scale up by capitalizing onthese analyses with key success factors in order to replicate or adapt thisapproach in other territories.

·GroupeRenault joins WWF France's "Reinventing Cities" initiative

For the 10 largestFrench cities, the transport sector accounts for from 20 to 60% of greenhousegas emissions. There is therefore an urgent need to implement more sustainableand desirable models of urban organization and mobility: models where we willmove differently and more efficiently. GroupeRenault is thus joining the "Reinventing Cities" initiative (« Réinventer les Villes »)to work on promotingsustainable city models and mobility alongside public and private actors.

"Groupe Renault is the first car manufacturer in the world to havepresented a climate objective aligned with the Paris Agreement, so called“Science-based target”. This commitment confirms the manufacturer's observationof a necessary and already committed evolution of mobility products andservices. It can therefore become a key player in mobility changes that need tobe implemented. Together, we believe through this partnership that thistransition must involve more electric, shared and renewable energy-based formsof mobility. It is an ecological and social imperative. This partnership contributesto WWF France's vision: to move less, better anddifferently in relation to an ecosystem of mobility solutions to be developedat large scale (public transportation, biking and active modes as well as EVs).”

Pierre Cannet, Interimconservation co-director, WWF France

"Through this partnership, Groupe Renault's ambition is to deployits environmental strategy more broadly. With WWF France, we intend to developjoint actions to demonstrate the scientific relevance of electromobility as alever to accelerate the ecological transition and an opportunity to makesustainable mobility accessible to all.”

Jean-Philippe Hermine,VP Strategic Environmental Planning Groupe Renault

"With theexpertise of WWF France, our intention is to concretely measure theenvironmental benefits of the electric vehicle and its ecosystem, in order todevelop a methodology to effectively replicate or adapt these solutions forterritories, redefine the mobility of the future and support users towards newmodes of transport.”

Gilles Normand, SVP, Electric Vehicle, GroupeRenault,

About WWF France:

WWF is one of the largest independentconservation organisations in the world. Through its active network inover 100 countries worldwide and the support of nearly 6 million members, WWFstrives to stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment and tobuild a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. Its goalsinclude preserving global biological diversity, ensuring sustainable use ofrenewable natural resources and promoting the reduction of pollution andwaste.

Since 1973, WWF France has worked on aconstant stream of projects to provide future generations with a livingplanet. With the support of its volunteers and 220,000 donators, WWF Franceleads concrete actions to safeguard natural environments and theirspecies, ensure promotion of sustainable ways of life, train decision-makers,engage with businesses to reduce their ecological footprint and educateyoung people. The only way to implement true change is to respect everyonein the process. That is why dialogue and action are keystones for the WWFphilosophy.

About GroupeRenault :

Groupe Renault has manufactured cars since1898. Today it is an international multi-brand group, selling close to 3.9million vehicles in 134 countries in 2018, with 36 manufacturing sites, 12,700points of sales and employing more than 180,000 people. To address the majortechnological challenges of the future, while continuing to pursue itsprofitable growth strategy, Groupe Renault is focusing on internationalexpansion. To this end, it is drawing on the synergies of its five brands(Renault, Dacia, Renault Samsung Motors, Alpine and LADA), electric vehicles,and its unique alliance with Nissan and Mitsubishi Motors. With a 100% Renaultowned team committed to the Formula 1 World Championship since 2016, the brandis involved in motorsports, a real vector for innovation and awareness.


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