Following its unveiling in Bristol on 9 May, the brand's new electric showcar took to the streets of Dieppe for the first time. Reminiscent of the R5Alpine, fans got their first glimpse of the A290_β,a forerunner of the production model, a proper Alpine with a character all itsown. The show car brought the mountains to town with its electric motor andhighly Alps-inspired design. In front of countless fans of the brand in thestreets of Dieppe, this show car marked the arrival of Alpine in a new era,setting a new electric sportscar lifestyle.
On the city's waterfront lawns, spectators could get an up-close look atthe A290_βand its three-seat configuration, putting the driver at the heart of the Alpinesporty driving experience.
As the worthy heir to the Alpine racing cars, everything was in place fora unique show! The presence of the show car once again reiterated the brand'scommitted ambition for sustainable sportiness in its upcoming line of productioncars.
The temporary museum, located on the seaside lawns, welcomed its firstvisitors with an exhibition of nearly 20 vehicles that made Alpine a rallyinghousehold name from the 1960s to the present day. Foreshadowing the future ofAlpine, both in terms of competition and road cars, the Alpenglow concept carwas also on display, announcing a possible new way forward with hydrogencoupled to a combustion engine. Side by side on their podium, the twogenerations of A110 San Remo cars were on display for the public. TheManufacture Alpine Dieppe Jean Rédélé was also present this weekend. In adedicated area, visitors were able to learn more about the trades practicedwithin the company, through discussions and workshops led by experts on site.
Joined by the A290_ β show car, a parade of Alpine rally cars having written the brand'shistory went through the town to reach the seafront, offering a uniqueprocession of exceptional cars.
Fora deeper dive into the history of Alpine and its rally successes, read the fullstory here.
Founded in 1955 by Jean Rédélé, the brand has set itself apart with itsFrench-style sports cars. In 2018, the brand presented the new A110, a sportscar faithful to Alpine's timeless principles of compactness, lightness, agilityand driving pleasure. The Alpine Business Unit was created in 2021 and thusbecame the brand dedicated to innovative, authentic, exclusive sportscars ofthe Renault Group, benefiting from the heritage and craftsmanship of itshistoric plant in Dieppe and the Alpine Racing and Alpine Cars teamsengineering mastery.
Kõik sellel veebilehel olevad materjalid (sealhulgas, kuid mitte ainult: tekstid, fotod, graafika, helifailid, animatsioonifailid, videofailid ja nende paigutus veebilehel) on Renault SASi ja/või selle sidusettevõtete või kolmandate isikute omand, kes on volitanud Renault SASi nende piiratud kasutamiseks, ning on kaitstud autoriõiguse ja muude intellektuaalomandi kohta kehtivate õigusnormidega. Eespool nimetatud materjalide kasutamine muudel kui toimetuslikel eesmärkidel, eelkõige turundus- või reklaamieesmärkidel, on rangelt keelatud.
Kõik sellel veebilehel olevad materjalid (sealhulgas, kuid mitte ainult: tekstid, fotod, graafika, helifailid, animatsioonifailid, videofailid ja nende paigutus veebilehel) on Renault SASi ja/või selle sidusettevõtete või kolmandate isikute omand, kes on volitanud Renault SASi nende piiratud kasutamiseks, ning on kaitstud autoriõiguse ja muude intellektuaalomandi kohta kehtivate õigusnormidega. Eespool nimetatud materjalide kasutamine muudel kui toimetuslikel eesmärkidel, eelkõige turundus- või reklaamieesmärkidel, on rangelt keelatud.