In his new role, Fabrice Cambolive will work togetherwith the Renault brand Management Committee to consolidate the sustainable andprofitable development of the Renault brand. He will also ensure thetransformation of the brand with the launch of 14 new vehicles by 2025 andthrough its expansion in Europe and internationally.
Luca de Meo, CEO of Renault Group: " I amproud that Fabrice Cambolive, thanks to the strength of his 30-year experiencewithin the group, is taking over the leadership of the Renault brand. Hiscommitment, his international experience and his in-depth knowledge of thegroup will enable him to continue to ensure the brand's progress in high-valuesegments. I am counting on him to guide the teams throughout the deep transformation the Renault brand willundergo in the coming years.”
Fabrice Cambolive, 54 yearsold, graduated from TBS Education Business School in Toulouse, France. Hejoined Renault Group in 1992 and held various international Sales &Marketing positions for twenty years in Spain, Switzerland, France, Germany& Romania.
His international careercontinued in 2011 when he was appointed Vice President, Sales & Marketingfor Russia and Eurasia region before being appointed as CEO of Renault doBrasil in 2015. In 2017, he was promoted to Senior Vice President, Chairman ofthe Africa-Middle-East-India-Pacific region. In 2021, Fabrice Cambolive was nominatedSenior Vice President, Sales & Operations for the Renault brand, in chargeof deploying the Renaulution strategic plan globally and leading the brand’sbusiness model transformation. In May 2022, Fabrice Cambolive was appointed Renaultbrand COO.
about Renault
Renault, a historic mobility brand and pioneer of electric vehicles inEurope, has always developed innovative vehicles. With the ‘Renaulution’strategic plan, Renault has embarked on an ambitious, value-generatingtransformation moving towards a more competitive, balanced and electrifiedrange. Its ambition is to embody modernity and innovation in technology, energyand mobility services in the automotive industry and beyond.
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