Havingbecome a premium partner of the French Open tennis tournament in 2022, Renaultis kicking off 2023 by announcing its new ambassador line-up, including Diedede Groot, Luca Van Assche and Félix Auger‑Aliassime.
Theseambassadors will take the brand’s values and image to the highest level ofprofessional tennis. They will also support Renault initiatives to promoteaccess to sports.
Renaultseeks to deliver on a commitment it made as part of Give Me 5, its CSRinitiative focusing on young people and priority neighbourhoods. In 2022,Renault built three tennis courts – in Marseille, Lyon and Grigy – as partof this initiative. The brand aims to develop the initiative internationallywith the help of its ambassadors.
“Renaultis proud to announce it will be supporting these talented athletes for the nextthree years. Their sporting talents aside, what motivated us to join forceswith them was their mindsets and their commitment to the human values held byRenault,” says Arnaud Belloni, Global Chief Marketing Officer.
Twenty-five-year-oldDutch player Diede de Groot is the reigning French Open women’s wheelchairtennis singles champion and the current World No. 1 in both single anddoubles. Between 2017 and 2022, she won an impressive 31 Grand Slam titles– 16 in singles and 15 in doubles.
Eighteen-year-oldFrench player Luca Van Assche is one to watch. Having won the French Openjunior title in 2021 without losing a single set, he won his first ATPChallenger title in Portugal in December 2022 and is currently theyoungest player in the top 150.
Twenty-two-year-oldCanadian player Félix Auger-Aliassime currently holds the World No. 7 spotin the ATP rankings. Known for his efforts both on and off the court, he showedgreat promise in 2022, winning four different tournaments.
“I’mproud to be associated with Renault, as we share the same ambition and values.The Give Me 5 initiative focuses on promoting tennis in priorityneighbourhoods, so it’s a cause particularly close to my heart. We are going towork on expanding it together,” said Félix Auger-Aliassime.
Renault, a historic mobility brand and pioneer of electric vehicles inEurope, has always developed innovative vehicles. With the ‘Renaulution’strategic plan, Renault has embarked on an ambitious, value-generatingtransformation moving towards a more competitive, balanced and electrifiedrange. Its ambition is to embody modernity and innovation in technology, energyand mobility services in the automotive industry and beyond.
Kõik sellel veebilehel olevad materjalid (sealhulgas, kuid mitte ainult: tekstid, fotod, graafika, helifailid, animatsioonifailid, videofailid ja nende paigutus veebilehel) on Renault SASi ja/või selle sidusettevõtete või kolmandate isikute omand, kes on volitanud Renault SASi nende piiratud kasutamiseks, ning on kaitstud autoriõiguse ja muude intellektuaalomandi kohta kehtivate õigusnormidega. Eespool nimetatud materjalide kasutamine muudel kui toimetuslikel eesmärkidel, eelkõige turundus- või reklaamieesmärkidel, on rangelt keelatud.
Kõik sellel veebilehel olevad materjalid (sealhulgas, kuid mitte ainult: tekstid, fotod, graafika, helifailid, animatsioonifailid, videofailid ja nende paigutus veebilehel) on Renault SASi ja/või selle sidusettevõtete või kolmandate isikute omand, kes on volitanud Renault SASi nende piiratud kasutamiseks, ning on kaitstud autoriõiguse ja muude intellektuaalomandi kohta kehtivate õigusnormidega. Eespool nimetatud materjalide kasutamine muudel kui toimetuslikel eesmärkidel, eelkõige turundus- või reklaamieesmärkidel, on rangelt keelatud.