This transaction represents Renault Group's first-everissuance of retail bond targeted to individuals and stands as the secondlargest public offering of Samurai bond for individuals.
The final orderbook amounted to close to ¥300 billion,underlying the high confidence of Japanese retail investors in the RenaultGroup strategy as well as its ongoing transformation.
This issuance allows Renault Group to seize attractivemarket conditions, aligned with the European bond market, for generalcorporate purposes including the refinancing of some of its upcoming maturities.With a four-year tenor, this issuance also diversifies the maturity profile ofRenault Group’s Samurai bonds outstanding. This is Renault Group’s second bondissue in the public Samurai bond format this year, following the July 2022issue.
This issuance was solely arranged by SMBC NikkoSecurities as Lead Manager.
“After more than two decades being active on the Japanesebond market, this retail bond allows us to further expand our broad investor base.We are very proud to be the first Corporate issuer
(i.e. excluding financial institutions) to provide a Samurai bond dedicated toretail investors.
It highlights the soundness of the Renault Group’s signature on the creditmarket." said
Thierry Piéton, Chief Financial Officer of Renault Group.
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