Based on this data and growing public concern,the car sharing company Zity by Mobilize has developed a savings calculatorthat allows citizens to find out the possible annual savings by using Zity fortheir commute instead of buying or maintaining their private car.
"Our purpose as a company is to improvelife in cities by offering affordable, fair and safe mobility that reduces theimpact on the environment. As part of this commitment, we provide citizens withthis simple digital tool that allows them to know not only their possibleeconomic savings but also how it would contribute to improving the air qualityin their city, " says JavierMateos, CEO of Zity by Mobilize.
The Zity SavingsCalculator
The "Zity Savings Calculator" allowsto calculate the cost of owning a vehicle. Through and by answering a series of questions related to mobility and drivinghabits, in less than 5 minutes, citizens will know if they could be saving byswitching to shared mobility.
How does it work?
When entering the website the user will have to answer a battery of questions to calculate thefollowing aspects:
··: frequency and daily duration, and how many long trips the user makes.Result: an amount of money and travel time is obtained, which will betranslated into the Zity budget. In addition, the user will be able to know theCO2 emissions that he/she would avoid to the atmosphere by usingcarsharing.
·: For the calculation we use the actual time of use and the fixed costsdeclared by the user with the average cost per minute of Zity driving in thechosen city.
About Zity by Mobilize
Zity is the shared mobility company of Ferrovial and Renault Group.Present in Madrid, Paris, Lyon and Milan, it has more than 560,000 users with a100% electric fleet of 1,875 vehicles. Safety, sustainability and technologicalinnovation are the cornerstones of the project, which allows users to reserve,open and start or end the rental from a mobile app. Users can park the vehicleboth inside and outside the service zone thanks to the super-reduced Stand byrate, and end the rental at any point and at any time within the Zityzone.
Mobilize, the Renault Group brand dedicated to new mobility, offers awide range of services around the vehicle thanks to an integrated technologicalplatform: financing, insurance, payments, fleet management, energy, maintenanceand refurbishing. Built around open ecosystems, Mobilize encourages asustainable energy transition, in line with Renault Group's goal of achievingcarbon neutrality in Europe by 2040, and its ambition to develop the value fromthe circular economy.
For more information, visit orfollow Mobilize on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
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