[1]‑based business model witha comprehensive range of services based on an integrated software ecosystem.
TheMobilize model is based on:
· that enables, from the car -as a software-definedvehicle- to offer all kinds of services to professional customers and retailcustomers alike. This ecosystem is founded on technological components that arealready in operation at Mobilize subsidiaries[2]. Through thesesubsidiaries and through Renault Group, Mobilize has access to over600 developers, enabling it to launch the first version of SoftwareDefined Vehicle as soon as 2023. Mobilize is developingits own fully electric vehicles that are specially designed for dedicated, shared,and intensive usage. Although Mobilize services are brand and vehicle agnostic,Mobilize vehicles enable mobility operators to maximize the reduction of theirtotal cost of usage. Mobilize design and engineering teams are focusing onfive aspects at the design stage: durability, capacity for over‑the-airupdates, ease of cleaning/maintenance/repairs, a reduced environmental impact,and a rich and appealing customer experience.
- Mobilize offersfinancing, insurance, and payment services through RCI Bank and Services. Tostrengthen ties between the two entities, RCI Bank and Services ischanging its name and becoming Mobilize Financial Services.
- Mobilize provides a comprehensive range of energy andcharging-related services for its customers (mobility operators, fleetmanagers and retail customers) when at home, at work or on the road. Theseservices include Mobilize Smart Charge, Mobilize Charge Pass (which providesaccess to 260,000 charging points, including 1,600 Ionityfast-charging points), the Battery Health Certificate and the installation ofcharging points through Mobilize Power Solutions.
- Byharnessing data to enable predictive maintenance, Mobilize will use the dealernetwork and Renault Group Refactories, like the one at Flins, to repair and reconditionits vehicles. By giving them a second and third life, Mobilize increases vehicles’usage and therefore the value it generates from each vehicle.
The coverage offered by the network of Renault Groupdealerships, with 6,000 points of sale in Europe, enables Mobilize to rollout its services widely and provide a phygital customer experience.
Three high growth market segments
Mobilize is targeting customers that represent threehigh growth segments:
1.With Mobilize Financial Services,Mobilize will accelerate the rollout of mobility solutions by offeringlong-term leasing and car subscriptions in order to benefit from growth ofover 80%[3]in the operating lease market. Mobilize Financial Services aims to have a fleetof 1 million vehicles for leasing and 200,000 for subscriptionin 2030.
2.With Mobilize Driver Solutions,Mobilize provides a range of services to taxi and PHV drivers and operators –such as subscriptions to the full electric LIMO vehicle, insurance, maintenance,charging and assistance.
Mobilize is providing solutions forcar-sharing operators with the DUO vehicle. Launched in 2023, DUO will befully electric, available on subscription, and incorporate insurance andsoftware solutions for fleet and user management as well as maintenance. DUOwill bring down the total cost of usage by 35% compared to a traditionalfour-seat electric vehicle, is made with 50% recycled materials and is95%-recyclable. A cargo version, BENTO, will also be offered to craftsmen forcarsharing and subscription options.
Mobilize is entering the boomingmarket – set to grow by 7%[4] per year until 2030 –of last-mile delivery by providing operators with comprehensive servicesolutions that take into account new urban policies. These services will firstbe offered for the Kangoo E-Tech electric and Master E-Tech electric,as well as vehicles from outside the Group, before the launch of HIPPOin 2026, which will bring down total cost of usage by 30% compared tocompetition. These services cover all of those offered by Mobilize, with aparticular focus on charging and fleet management thanks to data.
·····Mobilize is therefore in a unique position to accountfor 20% of Renault Group’s turnover by 2030. Its model ofrecurring revenues means that Mobilize is not subject to the traditional cyclesof the automotive industry.
This strategy enables Mobilize to aim for:
···In addition, this strategy will enable Mobilizeactivities, outside of Mobilize Financial Services, to achieve a double-digitmargin for each category of services by 2027 and target a breakeven operatingmargin by 2025.
[4] Source: EVProject/Mobilize internalanalysis
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