Laurent David, 50, is a graduate of ESCP. He began hiscareer as a sales representative at RCI Banque in 2000 before taking over themanagement of RCI Banque Poland in 2001.
He held various finance positions at RCI and RenaultGroup until 2016 when he was appointed Administrative and Finance Director forNissan Europe. In 2019, he was appointed performance and control director forsales and regions, then in 2021, he became Chief Financial Officer of the Daciaand Lada brands.
About Renault Group
Renault Group is at the forefront of a mobility thatis reinventing itself. Strengthened by its alliance with Nissan and MitsubishiMotors, and its unique expertise in electrification, Renault Group comprises 5complementary brands - Renault, Dacia, LADA, Alpine and Mobilize - offeringsustainable and innovative mobility solutions to its customers. Established inmore than 130 countries, the Group has sold 2.7 million vehicles in 2021. Itemploys nearly 160,000 people who embody its Purpose every day, so thatmobility brings people closer. Ready to pursue challenges both on the road andin competition, Renault Group is committed to an ambitious transformation thatwill generate value. This is centred on the development of new technologies andservices, and a new range of even more competitive, balanced and electrifiedvehicles. In line with environmental challenges, the Group’s ambition is toachieve carbon neutrality in Europe by 2040.
Kõik sellel veebilehel olevad materjalid (sealhulgas, kuid mitte ainult: tekstid, fotod, graafika, helifailid, animatsioonifailid, videofailid ja nende paigutus veebilehel) on Renault SASi ja/või selle sidusettevõtete või kolmandate isikute omand, kes on volitanud Renault SASi nende piiratud kasutamiseks, ning on kaitstud autoriõiguse ja muude intellektuaalomandi kohta kehtivate õigusnormidega. Eespool nimetatud materjalide kasutamine muudel kui toimetuslikel eesmärkidel, eelkõige turundus- või reklaamieesmärkidel, on rangelt keelatud.