[1]level. Registrations will begin on January 11, 2022 via ---
The winner will be offered a three-month internship at Alpine F1 Team’sengine assembly workshop at Viry-Châtillon, working on the engine for the 2022Formula 1 season. This internship could be subsequently converted into anapprenticeship contract.
Equal opportunity and meritocracy are the DNA of theConcours Excellence Mécanique Alpine. To ensure the same chance ofsuccess, the financial situation, lifestyle and education of each candidateshould not be a barrier to participation in the competition. As such, costsincurred by candidates during the internship, including transport andaccommodation, will be covered.
The candidates selected for the final will be immersed in the enginedivision of Alpine F1 Team with its huge expertise and experience. Thecandidates will take the tests in pairs, with the evaluation relating as muchto the excellence of their know-how as to their interpersonal skills andability to work as part of a team.
The immersion will be intense for the winner as they will experience fullintegration into a collective of knowledge, skill and human excellence.
Esteban Ocon, Alpine F1 Team driver since 2020, is backing the project. His background, experience and great maturity make himthe ideal champion of the Concours Excellence Mécanique Alpine.
Esteban Ocon, Alpine F1 Team driver: "The Concours ExcellenceMécanique Alpine will encourage young people to always aim higher and todemonstrate the importance of their studies and their value. I would like toencourage everyone to always exceed their expectations. I am delighted thatthis competition has been created and that it allows young people to understandthe Alpine values.”
The project, born of a collaboration between Alpine and the French Ministryof Labour, has included many stakeholders from creation until deployment: theMinistry of Labour via the Délégation Interministérielle au Développement del’Apprentissage dans les Quartiers Prioritaires de la Politique de la Ville(Interministerial Delegation for the Development of Apprenticeships in PriorityDistricts of the City Policy), l’Association Nationale pour la FormationAutomobile (National Association for Automotive Training, ANFA), l’Opérateur deCompétences des Métiers de la Mobilité (Skills Operator of Mobility Trades, OPCOMobilités), les Chambres des Métiers et de l’Artisanat (Trade and CraftChambers, CMA France) and Renault Group. Alpine wants to extend the competitionand to create new collaboration opportunities to enrich the opportunities foryoung people.
Patrick TOULMET, Interministerial Delegate for the Development ofApprenticeship in Priority Districts of the City Policy: “We created this competition togetherwith Alpine as a great opportunity for apprentices or high school students inthe mechanical sector to discover the world of Formula 1 thanks to aninternship with this prestigious team. Girls, boys, young people from prioritydistricts, rural areas or students from overseas territories; everyone hastheir chance in this challenge. It was important for us to remove all barriersthat could prevent a young person from entering the excellence of themotorsport industry and living their dream."
Arnaud SAUTIER, Director of network training France, Renault Group: "Our objective is to enhance andpromote the French automotive mechanical industry through the ExcellenceMécanique Alpine competition. We are delighted to put young people back at theheart of the system! This competition is an opportunity to highlight thetechnical expertise necessary to reach the highest level and, above all, tocreate vocations in mechanical engineering, one the most dynamic sectors. Youngpeople following training in CFA and vocational schools are rich with talentfor the Renault and Alpine distribution network."
Laurent ROSSI, CEO, Alpine: “Designing and developing high performance engines isthe mission objective for our team based in Viry-Châtillon. At the forefront ofinnovation and technology, Alpine is proud to be involved in a project carryingboth strong messages in terms of inclusion, integration, self-confidence andgood conduct among young people within the automotive industry. We aredelighted to be able to introduce future generations to the values inherent inFormula 1, as well as those of the women and men who work within thesport."
Cédric CARET, Alpine F1 Team Head of Sustainable Development : “The ConcoursExcellence Mécanique Alpine is a way to initiate young people into the world ofwork by bringing together inclusion and excellence, interpersonal skills andindividual and collective expertise, dream and reality, as well as the passingon of knowledge. This initiative also illustrates theimplementation of our sustainable development strategy for inclusion. Itcontributes to the We Race As One program, developed by Formula 1, which aimsto make the sport more diverse and inclusive."
Founded in 1955 by Jean Rédélé, Alpine has asserteditself over the years with its French-style sports cars. In 2018, the brandpresented the new A110, a sports car that is true to Alpine’s timelessprinciples of compactness, lightness, agility and driving pleasure. In 2021,the Alpine Business Unit was created, to become the dedicated brand for theinnovative, authentic and exclusive sports cars of the Renault Group,benefiting from the heritage and know-how of its historic Dieppe factory andthe engineering expertise of the Alpine Racing and Alpine Cars teams.
[1]In vocational schools and apprentice training centres,schools specialising in motorsport mechanics
Kõik sellel veebilehel olevad materjalid (sealhulgas, kuid mitte ainult: tekstid, fotod, graafika, helifailid, animatsioonifailid, videofailid ja nende paigutus veebilehel) on Renault SASi ja/või selle sidusettevõtete või kolmandate isikute omand, kes on volitanud Renault SASi nende piiratud kasutamiseks, ning on kaitstud autoriõiguse ja muude intellektuaalomandi kohta kehtivate õigusnormidega. Eespool nimetatud materjalide kasutamine muudel kui toimetuslikel eesmärkidel, eelkõige turundus- või reklaamieesmärkidel, on rangelt keelatud.