JanaStriezel will operate under APO (Alliance Purchasing Organization) ManagingDirector, Gianluca de Ficchy, and report to Luca de Meo, CEO Renault Group andCEO of Renault. She will be a member of the Renault Management Committee.
JanaStriezel is 44 years old. She studied law and economics at Bayreuth University,Germany. She is a Yale Law School (USA) alumna.
She wasCEO of For-Med then partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, before joiningthe Volkswagen Group in 2014 as head of the Antitrust Department. In 2017, she led a task force that sought to reduceemission pollution worldwide. Two years later, she was appointed ExecutiveDirector Corporate Purchasing Exterior for the Volkswagen Group and Volkswagenbrand.