Over the last few years, cars have moved on toa whole new level. Where once they were a simple means of transport, now theyhave become a shared-mobility solution with more and more onboard connectedtechnology. Renault has long been aware of this shift, and earlier this year,designed a new and innovative concept called Renault MORPHOZ – a versatile,modular and autonomous electric concept car which underlines the new forms ofmobility.
Today, Renault is writing a new chapter in thehistory of the brand with the Mégane eVision – an innovative show-car that isnot only visionary but also aspirational. It foreshadows the latest in the lineof electric vehicles, based on the entirely new modular CMF-EV platform.
The Mégane eVisionmakes the most of what the new platformdesigned by the Alliance has to offer. This dynamic hatchback features one ofthe thinnest batteries on the market and a new ultra-compact powertrainoffering more roominess. Its sophisticated features and the lighting signatureaccentuate the modern look of the car, which breaks the existing codes ofelectric vehicles when it comes to use, size and design, as well as energyefficiency.
This vehicle of tomorrow will very soon becomea reality, with the production model of the show-car set to be introduced in2021.
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