Since its first appearance in 1992,Twingo has constantly reinvented itself in line with changing uses and needs.After three generations and almost four million cars sold in 25 countries,Twingo has broken new ground with the launch of its all-electric version,Twingo Z.E.
Renault has leveraged its extensiveknowledge of the small city car segment to develop an electric car whosedriveability, operating range and features are perfectly suited to the needs ofcity drivers. Built on a platform designed for electric cars, Twingo Z.E.offers performance and pleasure which magnify the factors that have alreadymade Twingo such a success.
Twingo Z.E. takes Twingo’s fundesign, attractive personality and exclusive customisation possibilities andenhances them with features that underline its electric character.
Where driving pleasure andconvenience are concerned, Twingo Z.E., just like its internal combustioncounterpart, has the industry’s best-in-class turning radius. Its electricrear-wheel drive and different driving modes make it even more fun andenjoyable to drive. With its 22 kWh battery, Twingo Z.E. can ziparound the city for a whole week on a single battery charge. Its versatile charging system allows it to charge up to fourtimes faster than its competitors at the charging stations most commonly foundin public areas.
And it makes an even better everydaycompanion, with its compact size, outstanding roominess and modularity. Newconnected services make life easier for drivers across the entire Twingo lineand, on Twingo Z.E., include all the features specific to Renault’selectric vehicles.
“Twingo Z.E. is not only tailored to everydayuses but also designed to support urban transformation. It’s the most Twingo ofthe Twingos!”
Stéphane Wiscart, Twingo Deputy Programme Director
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