In the third quarter, GroupeRenault sold 852,198 vehicles, down -4.4% in a market that fell by -3.2%. Excluding Iran, the decrease wouldhave been -1.8% in a market down -2.3%.
InEurope, the Grouprecorded a -3.4% decline in sales in a market up +2.4%. This decrease is partlydue to a high comparison basis related to the introduction of the WLTP[1] for passenger cars inSeptember 2018 and the awaiting of the full availability of New Clio in Europe.
In regions outside Europe, the Group over-performed the market. In amarket down -6.2%, the Group recorded a -5.4% decrease in sales, mainly due tothe decline in markets in Turkey (-21.7%), Argentina (-30.0%), and the end ofsales in Iran since August 2018 (23,649 vehicles sold in the third quarter2018). Excluding Iran, sales would have been down -0.3%.
In Eurasia, market share increased by +1.8 points. Group salesincreased by +5.1% despite the fall of the Turkish market. Sales volumeincreased in Russia (+6.1%) in amarket down -1.2%, thanks inparticular to the launch of Arkana and the continuing success of Lada products.
In Americas, market share was up +0.2 points. Brazil saw its volumes increase by +5.6% but Argentina recorded a fall of -37.7%.
In Africa, Middle East, India and Pacific region, excluding Iran,market share was up +0.1 points. Sales volumes in the region are impacted bythe decline of its main markets. In India,market share increased by +0.5 points, thanks to the successful launch ofTriber. Sales fell by -7.8% in amarket down -27.4%. In South Korea,the Group recorded a sales increase of +11.5% in a market down -1.7% thanks tothe success of QM6.
In the China region, Group's volumes were down -15.5% in a market down -5.0%awaiting the launch of New Captur and Renault City K-ZE, the new electric citycar.
In the third quarter of 2019, Group revenues reached €11,296 million(-1.6%).
At constant exchange rates and perimeter[2], Grouprevenues would have decreased by -1.4%.
Automotiveexcluding AVTOVAZ revenuesamounted to €9,662 million, down -3.9%.
Sales to partners dropped by -5.5 points dueto lower production for Nissan and Daimler, the closure of the Iranian marketsince August 2018 and the decline in demand for diesel engines in Europe.
The negative -0.7 points currency effect wasmainly due to the devaluation of the Argentinian Peso.
The volume effect weighed -0.8 points, mainlydue to the fall in the Argentinian, Indian, Turkish markets and a high comparisonbasis in 2018 in Europe. This decrease was partially offset by a favorable impactof the change in inventories.
The price effect was positive by +2.1 points.It reflects the effects of the Group's pricing policy in Europe as well asefforts to offset the devaluation of the Argentinian Peso.
Sales Financing(RCI Banque) posted revenues of €843 million in thethird quarter, up +5.4% compared to 2018. The number of new financing contractsfell -0.8%, mainly due to lower activity in Argentina and in Turkey. Average performingassets increased by +5.1% to €47.6 billion.
AVTOVAZ contribution to Group revenues amounted to €791 millionin the quarter, up +26.2%, after taking into account a positive exchange rateeffect of €59 million. At constant exchange rates, revenues would have been up +16.7%.
In2019, the Global Automotive market[3]TheEuropean market is expected to be between 0% to -1% (versus stable previously),the Russian market to be down by around -3% (versus -2% to -3% previously) andthe Brazilian market to grow around +7% (versus around +8% previously).
On October 17, 2019, GroupeRenault revised its guidance:
§§§[1] [2]
[3] The evolution ofthe Global Automotive market for all brands also called Total Industry Volume(TIV) indicates the annual variation in sales* volumes of passenger cars andlight commercial vehicles** in the main countries including USA & Canada,provided by official authorities or statistical agencies in each country, andconsolidated by Groupe Renault to constitute this world market (TIV).
*Sales: registrations or deliveries orinvoices according to the data available in each consolidated country.
**Light commercial vehicles of less than5.1 tons.
Kõik sellel veebilehel olevad materjalid (sealhulgas, kuid mitte ainult: tekstid, fotod, graafika, helifailid, animatsioonifailid, videofailid ja nende paigutus veebilehel) on Renault SASi ja/või selle sidusettevõtete või kolmandate isikute omand, kes on volitanud Renault SASi nende piiratud kasutamiseks, ning on kaitstud autoriõiguse ja muude intellektuaalomandi kohta kehtivate õigusnormidega. Eespool nimetatud materjalide kasutamine muudel kui toimetuslikel eesmärkidel, eelkõige turundus- või reklaamieesmärkidel, on rangelt keelatud.