


The World Economic Forum reward the Renault plant in Cléon (Seine-Maritime, France) as an “advanced lighthouse” for Industry 4.0, gratifying the Groupe Renault's commitment to a human, digital and connected industry of the future.

At the heart of the digital transformation of Renault Group plants, Cléonhas equipped all 57 hectares of buildings with Wi-Fi, enabling data to begathered and fully automated processes such as full kitting or partstraceability to be implemented.

"To prepare the mobility of tomorrow, whichwill be electric, connected and autonomous, our factories are driving thistransformation to meet increasingly personalized customer demands in a more flexiblework environment. With 35 plants worldwide, the Groupe Renault has anindustrial system that is firmly anchored in the future."- JoseVicente de los Mozos – EVP Manufacturing & Supply Chain Groupe Renault.

Indeed, this plant, which produced 760,000 engines and 372,000 gearboxesin 2018 and which has just celebrated its 60th anniversary, has beentransformed into a recognized 4.0 plant, with several digital use cases such asconnected workforce, virtual reality training and automated truck flowmanagement. Already ranked among the best plants in the world by specializedagencies, the Cleon plant has created a local ecosystem while developinginnovations that will be deployed around the world.

"It is a source of pride for all Renault Cléonemployees to obtain this recognition from the World Economic Forum, which thusrecognizes everyone's commitment. In a highly changing market, our plant has acentral role to play in the production of electric motors for the entire GroupeRenault. Being at the forefront of the industry 4.0 is a strong competitiveadvantage that allows us to look to the future with confidence. " - Javier Bernaldez, Director of the Renaultplant in Cléon

The Renault Group has chosen to place women and men at the heart of theplant of the future. Thus, employees at the Cleon plant benefit from a specificsafety program for 100% of incoming employees using augmented and virtualreality. More than 3570 people have benefited from this innovative training program.The deployment of digital tools as close as possible to the field, particularlythrough tablets for workforce, provides real-time access to production orquality datas. All the technologies aim to facilitate everyone's work for aproduction that meets customer expectations.

With nearly 860 hires since 2015, the Cléon plant is fully involved inthe local ecosystem and works with several Normandy start-ups to co-develop theknow-how and technologies of tomorrow.

Renault Cléon: a proud, efficient and daring team

In 2018, the Cleon plant produced more than one million one hundred andtwenty-five thousand engines and gearboxes for its customers Renault, Nissan,Dacia, Samsung, Daimler and Fiat.

The site, an electrical pioneer and a centre of mechanical excellence forthe Renault Group, is continuing its development and is preparing to triple itselectric motor capacity for the Renault Group, to allocate a new generation ofelectric motors for the Alliance and to manufacture components for aninnovative new gearbox.

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