

Alpine tutvustab uut istet - kerget, mugavat ja ilusat

Alpine teab, et kiiruse taustajõud on kergus. Seda arvesse võttes valmistasid Alpine insenerid istme - ülikerge ja külgedelt toetava. Kaalu on sellel vaid 13,1 kilogrammi ehk poole vähem kui konkurentidel. Toetust jagub nii istmes istuja reitele, vaagnaluule kui ka õlgadele. Sarnaselt eelkäijatele on iste polsterdatud nahaga ning kvaliteetne ja mugav.


Alpine’s legendary agility has always been drivenby low weight. In the new Alpine our engineers have applied this principle tothe seats, which combine ultra-low weight with excellent lateral support toenable the driver to feel at one with the car.

13.1 kilograms

In many sports car seats, a trade-off has beenmade between performance, driver comfort and weight. In the new Alpine, we haveachieved excellent lateral support and comfort despite a total seat weight ofonly 13.1 kilos. With a one-piece shell and visible support rails, the weightof the Alpine seat has been reduced by up to half compared to those of some ofour competitors.

Quilted leather, functional and comfortable

With excellent lateral support for thighs,hips and shoulders, the Alpine seat helps maintain driver control in even themost challenging corners. And the quilting of the seats’ leather, similar tothat of some of its predecessors, offers excellent quality and comfort.

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